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Delivery and Returns

Delivery Policy

Your orders from will be delivered to your registered delivery address to the cargo company you choose to be sent to you within 2-3 working days after the order confirmation.

Do not forget to check your delivery address to avoid any confusion.

What does it take for a product to be accepted as a return?

The product you want to return must not be used and the product must not be deformed. If the product you purchased has accessories, it must be returned together with its gift (undamaged). There is no refund for deformed products that cannot be sold again after they are returned.

Return policy

You have 14 days from the date you receive the product to make a FREE refund of the unused and non-resalable products you have purchased from This period is a period of consumer rights and has a legal basis.

  • You have an invoice on your package delivered to you by cargo. There is a "Return Form" at the bottom of your invoice, this form must be filled. No legal transactions can be made for products that do not have an invoice.

  • If "Payment by Credit Card at the Door" is made in the form under your invoice, the "Iban No and Account Name" section must be filled.

  • When you deliver the product, you can request a "cargo bag" from the cargo company. If this is not possible, you can provide packaging in a different way. Please do not tape the product box directly.

  • To track whether the product has reached our center or not, you can follow up by requesting a tracking number from the courier company. When the products you have sent reach our return and inspection department, the package opening and entry time into the system is 2 business days. You will receive an email notification maximum 2 business days after your return package has been delivered to us. If the product you sent is in accordance with the return conditions, you will receive an approval, otherwise, you will receive a rejection.

  • For approved returns, the return period is 7-14 business days. The service fees you pay while purchasing the product (shipping fee, bank commission, etc.) are not refundable. Only the amount of the product will be refunded to your account. During this process, we ask you to check your bank account movements.

  • The products that do not have any of the return conditions are rejected and shipped against you with payment.

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