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Distance Selling Contract


1.1 - SELLER

Title: Kayhan Ozkan

Address: Bakırköy / İST

Phone: 0 532 765 75 93

1.2 - BUYER
Name / Surname / Title:


According to the Law on the Protection of the Consumer and the Regulation on Distance Contracts, the BUYER has ordered electronically from the website belonging to the SELLER, regarding the sale, delivery and payment of the product whose features and sales price are specified below. and determination of obligations.

ARTICLE 3 - DATE OF CONTRACT: These two copies of the work previously signed by the seller have been accepted by the contract buyer on [Order Date] and one copy will be sent to the recipient's e-mail address.

ARTICLE 4 - DELIVERY COSTS AND EXPENSES: Delivery costs belong to the Buyer. If the seller declares on the website that the delivery fee of the shoppers above the announced amount will be covered by him, the delivery cost belongs to the Seller. Delivery; It is done as soon as possible after the stock is available and the cost of the goods is transferred to the Seller's account. The seller delivers the goods / services within 15 working days from the order. If, for any reason, the cost of the goods / services is not paid or canceled in the bank records, the seller is deemed to be free from the obligation to deliver the goods / services.

ARTICLE 5 - BUYER'S DECLARATIONS AND COMMITMENTS: The buyer will inspect the contractual goods / service before delivery for dents, cracks, torn packaging, etc. will not receive the damaged and defective goods / services from the courier company. The delivered goods / services will be deemed to be undamaged and intact. Careful protection of the goods / services after delivery belongs to the buyer. If the bank or financial institution does not pay the price of the goods / services to the Seller due to the fact that the credit card belonging to the Buyer is used unfairly or unlawfully by unauthorized persons after the delivery of the goods / service, provided that the Buyer has delivered the goods / service 3 (Three) it is obliged to send it to the Seller within days. In this case, shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer.


6.1- The Type and Type of Products, Quantity, Brand / Model, Color, Sales Price Including Taxes (unit x unit price) are as follows.

6.3- On the other hand, since the term sales are made only with credit cards belonging to the banks, the buyer will also confirm the relevant interest rates and the information about the default interest from the bank, and in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force, the provisions on interest and default interest are in the credit card agreement between the Bank and the buyer. It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will be applied within the scope of

Return Procedure to credit card:

In cases where the buyer exercises his right of withdrawal or the product subject to the order cannot be supplied for various reasons or the Arbitration Committee decides to refund the price to the consumer, if the shopping is made by credit card and in installments, the credit card return procedure is as follows:

If our customer purchased the product in installments, the Bank pays the customer in installments. After the SELLER pays the entire price of the product to the bank at once, if the installment expenses made from the Bank POS are returned to the credit card of our Customer, the requested refund amounts are transferred to the bearer accounts in installments, again in installments. If the return date does not coincide with the card cut-off dates, 1 refund will be reflected on the card each month and the customer will receive the installments paid before the return, after the installments of the sale are over, the number of installments paid before the return will be deducted from the existing debts.

In the event of the return of goods and services purchased with the card, the SELLER cannot make a cash payment to the Customer in accordance with the contract made with the Bank. The Member workplace, the SELLER, will make the refund via the relevant software in case of a return transaction, and the Member workplace, the SELLER, will make the relevant amount to the Bank in cash or In accordance with the procedure we have described above, the Client cannot be paid in cash, since he is obliged to pay on account. The refund to the credit card will be made by the Bank in accordance with the above procedure, after the payment to the SELLER Bank in one go.

The buyer acknowledges and undertakes that he has read and accepted this procedure.

6.4 - Delivery Method and Address:

The delivery will be delivered by hand at the above-mentioned address of the Buyer via the courier company. Even if the recipient is not present at the time of delivery, the SELLER will be deemed to have fulfilled its action completely and completely. For this reason, any damages caused by the buyer's late delivery of the product and the expenses incurred due to the fact that the product has been waiting in the cargo company and / or the return of the cargo to the SELLER also belongs to the BUYER.

Shipping Fee: It is 15 TL and the shipping price is added to the total amount of the order and paid by the customer. It is not included in the product price.


7.1 - The BUYER declares that he / she has read and informed the preliminary information about the basic characteristics, sales price and payment method and delivery of the product subject to the contract on the website and gives the necessary confirmation electronically.

7.2 - The contractual product is delivered to the BUYER or the person / organization at the address indicated in the preliminary information on the website, depending on the distance of the BUYER's place of residence for each product, provided that it does not exceed the legal 15-day period.

7.3- If the product subject to the contract is to be delivered to another person / organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person / organization to be delivered does not accept the delivery.

7.4 - The SELLER is responsible for delivering the product subject to the contract in a sound, complete, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order, and with warranty documents and user manuals, if any.

7.5 - For the delivery of the contractual product, the signed copy of this contract must be delivered to the SELLER and the price must be paid in the form of payment preferred by the BUYER. If, for any reason, the product price is not paid or is canceled in the bank records, the SELLER is deemed to be free from the obligation to deliver the product.

7.6 - After the delivery of the product, if the credit card belonging to the BUYER is used unfairly or unlawfully by unauthorized persons not due to the BUYER's fault, if the relevant bank or financial institution does not pay the price of the product to the SELLER, provided that the BUYER has delivered the product. It must be sent to the SELLER within 3 days. In this case, the shipping costs belong to the BUYER.

7.7 - The defective or defective products of the products sold with or without the warranty certificate can be sent to the SELLER for the necessary repair within the terms of the (defective) warranty, in which case the shipping costs will be covered by the SELLER.

7.8 - In addition, the features of the products on the site, stock status, prices, etc. It is possible to have any error in these matters. In such cases, errors are corrected by the SELLER. However, in case of any error, even if the order has been made and the order amount has been received from the BUYER's credit card (or by money order), the SELLER has the right to refund the amount paid by cancellation of the order to the credit card (or account). In this case, the order is canceled and the amount is returned to the credit card (or account) of the BUYER. The transfer of the refunded amount to the account of the BUYER is under the obligation of the card issuer / institution to which the account belongs, and the SELLER does not have any responsibility due to the delays that may occur.

7.9 - BUYER accepts and undertakes that the assembly of the purchased product belongs to him.


The BUYER has the right to withdraw by refusing the product within 14 days from the delivery of the product subject to the contract to him or to the person / organization at the address indicated. In order to use the right of withdrawal, the Seller must be notified by fax, e-mail or telephone within the same period and the goods / service 7th Art. In accordance with the provisions of this contract and in accordance with the preliminary information published on the SELLER website, the packaging and its content must not be damaged while testing. If this right is exercised, it is obligatory to return the original copy of the cargo delivery report and the original invoice for the goods / services delivered to the 3rd party or the Buyer. If the original invoice is not sent, VAT and other legal obligations, if any, cannot be returned to the Buyer.
The product price is returned to the BUYER within 10 days from the date the consumer withdrawal notification reaches the seller. (See Regulation on Distance Contracts) The shipping cost of the returned product due to the right of withdrawal is covered by the SELLER.

We undertake that the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract by refusing the product or service within seven days from the date of receipt of the goods or the signing of the contract without any legal and criminal liability and without any justification, and we undertake to take back the goods from the date of receipt of the withdrawal notification to the seller or supplier.


In the event that the parties do not fulfill their obligations from the resources of this contract, the provisions of the Debtor's Default in the 123-125th article of the Turkish Code of Obligations will be applied. In cases of default, if any party fails to fulfill its actions within the time limit without a justifiable reason, the other party will give the non-performing party a 7-day period to fulfill the said act. If it is fulfilled during this period, the party who does not fulfill its action will be deemed as default and the creditor has the right to demand the delivery of the goods, and / or the termination of the contract and the return of the price.

Pursuant to the last paragraph of Article 9 of the Regulation on Distance Contracts, if the seller is unable to fulfill the contractual obligations by claiming that it is impossible to fulfill the goods or services subject to the order (the situation that the product or service cannot be supplied from the supplier company in any way), it shall notify the consumer before the expiry of the contractual performance obligation. In this case, the SELLER has the right to terminate the contract immediately and undertakes to return the price of the product ordered by the customer and all documents that put them under debt, if any.

If the product subject to the contract cannot be delivered in due time due to force majeure that may prevent the SELLER from fulfilling this obligation or due to adverse weather conditions that prevent transportation, interruption of transportation, fire, earthquake, flood, in such cases, the BUYER has no responsibility. can exercise one of the right to cancel the order or postpone the delivery time until the obstacle is removed. In case the BUYER cancels the order, the amount paid will be paid to him within 10 days. (In the case of purchases made by credit card in installments, the above procedure for credit card refund is accepted by the BUYER)


In the implementation of this contract, Consumer Arbitration Committees and Samsun Consumer Courts are authorized up to the value announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

In case the order is realized, the BUYER is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract.

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